Tracks Ecology can provide a wide range of ecological services some of which are listed below. If you would like to discuss your requirements please get in contact.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal follow the Phase 1 habitat classification developed by Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and has now become the standard for initial baseline habitat surveys across the UK. This methodology is often ‘extended’ to include the recording of features and signs indicating the likely presence of protected species. Furthermore Tracks Ecology now include as standard a preliminary assessment of wetland habitats to ensure that requirements of the Water Framework Directive are also taken into consideration. 

This initial appraisal will aim to identify ecological constraints early, assess the potential need for mitigation and/or compensation strategies and the make recommendations for further specialist surveys where required.

European Protected Species


Preliminary Roost and Habitat Assessments Emergence/Re-entry Surveys
All aspects of tree inspection and arboriculture in relation to bats
Transect Surveys
Vantage Point Surveys
Static Detector Survey
Sonogram identification and data analysis
Licensed Ecological Clerk of Works
Preparation of licence applications, mitigation and compensation strategies


Preliminary presence/likely absence surveys
Long term monitoring and camera trap surveys
Preparation of licence applications, mitigation and compensation strategies

Great Crested Newt

Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Assessments
Presence/likely absence surveys (all survey techniques)
Preparation of licence applications, mitigation and compensation strategies

Scottish Wildcat

Habitat suitability assessments
Presence/likely absence surveys
Long term monitoring and camera trap surveys

Other Protected Species

We offer a range of surveys for a number of other protected species including:

Water vole
Pine marten
Red squirrel
Barn owl

Ecological Clerk of Works

As a member of the Association of Environmental and Ecological Clerks of Works we offer clerk of works services for a wide array of development projects from residential conversions to large infrastructure projects.

BREEAM: Ecology

We meet the criteria set by BRE (Building Research Establishment) for a 'Suitably Qualified Ecologist' and have experience in undertaken a wide range projects seeking BREEAM accreditation. Obtaining credits  within the Ecology and Land Use section of the scheme are fast becoming mandatory to achieve the high standards that projects are now aiming for. Getting the correct ecological advice at an early stage is key to securing the maximum possible credits.

Geographical Information Services (GIS)

Tracks Ecology provides high quality figure production and geospatial data management as standard within all relevant projects, but we also provide a bespoke GIS service for a wide variety of ecological and environmental data display purposes. From mapping badger distribution to Phase 1 habitat mapping we can interpret, digitise and display data according to the particular needs of the client. 

Other Services

Ecological Impact Assessment
Habitat Regulations Appraisal
Habitat Management Plan and Mitigation Strategy Design
Wildlife surveillance

Where surveys require multiple surveyors due to size of site or health and safety concerns then a network of trusted and experienced ecologist are used as assistants.